Monday, June 15, 2009


Well, I am finally finished school now, have graduated, have slept full days, ate a lot, moved a lot of things, drank a LOT of beer, and one would say rested well. Finally.

But I have to say, I'm going a little crazy without the schoolwork. So, I think its time to put this rest 'to rest.' Or at least get started again, because frankly, I miss it. And also, its about time. Gotta get my groove back.

So here is a little diddle that was once a painting (in its beginning stages) before I got angry and scribbled over it. I just cant get this bearalina out of my head.


Bennett Slater said...

The perfect blend of both form and grace... and bear

Nimit Malavia said...

hahah the expression on his face, and mix of surprise and showmanship.

looks great carlie!

Anonymous said...

your dreams and fantasy's terrify me

Erika said...

It was like you KNEW me as a child

Yuta Onoda said...

It's so adorable!! why did you scribbled over it!!!????

Irma Kniivila said...

Oh Carlie.

I miss you so, so much.

Irma Kniivila said...

PS: That tutu ain't covering nothing.

Maybe it's a statement about bear pedophilia?

Just saying.


JuanCarlos said...

awww what a cute bear!

I want those eyes from that other bear you did though!! lol!