Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tada, a mapping project but also the inside cover of
my witch book. Just wondering what everyone thinks about what I should
use for the book. I'm not sure if the colour is too much or appropriate
for the playful children aspect.


Ryan Christiani said...

everything about this witch book is shaping up real nice!!

Bryce Huffman said...

SO awesome

Anonymous said...

the colour is a nice one. but inside book covers are sometimes fun when they're two tone

Rachelle Letain said...

omg, this book is too good... it kills me! <3

JuanCarlos said...

I for some reason wanna go in that closet with the spikes, it looks fun??

awesome map!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Carlie, great work, why because i kept staring at your screen the other night. the one with full color is one of my favorites.

Bennett Slater said...

the beieg one reminds me of an old map chart for finding treasure... USE IT!

p.s.... the kid in the spike box!

Erika said...

my fave fo sho

Mariah Burton said...

I like the colour version. It reminds me of Shaun Tam book, because it's different from the paintings.